Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Transfer Posting ( Jan. 25th)

It's time for you to post on your blog now that you have practiced posting to mine. Task: Copy your post from my blog on "Racism 1/24/11" and post on your blog as a new post. Check spelling and punctuation to earn full points. Happy Posting!


  1. I could relate to the black kid that said when him and friends went to the store, him and his friends were treated differently.I can relate with that because when me and a group of friends went to a shoe store, it mad us upset to see the workers following us around.The workers watched our every move and they were expecting us to do something corrupt.Me and my friends felt disrespected so we left the store empty handed , and went some where else with our money.At the point in time it didnt matter if we got a good deal on a pair of shoes or a shirt,our pride was more important.

  2. When I watched the video i choosed the one where the black man went into the store and the workers from the store thought he was going to steal something. I had something related to that. Me and one of my two friends decided that she wanted to buy some shoes. We went inside of the shoe store. As we went in, we were looking around looking at the shoes. The workers came up to us asking us if we needed help. We said no, so like 5 minutes later hes standing just looking at us and comes up to us and check on us again asking if we needed help. We said no and he stood right there watching us. So my friend finally said that if she couldve try on some shoes.

  3. I can relate to the guy that went to the store and they thought he was gonna steal.
    whenever i go to the store by my house the owner always looks at the mirrors he has to make sure i dont take anything.

  4. I guess i can relate to them cause im black and mexican, and white people look at me stupid cause the way i look. I got a little mad for a minute cause they were fucking ignorant. Like when i walk into a store and the follow me everywhere.

  5. when the black kid walked in the store is a good example of how theres still racism and ive seen it many times before and its crooked but thats the world we live in

  6. i agree with ashley because that has happend to me before to...pedro<------

  7. Watching the video made me choose on the black guy that had gone inside a store and had employees looking at him like he was no good there. I had something relatec to that when i went to the mall i had pretty much all the employees behind me like body gaurds making me feel like i wasnt welcome there.

  8. The Kids in the video were saying there feelings because there trying to show people how racial can occurred around and it can reflect to anyone. We all humans, well all are the same but in a different way. Just cause we all got different color skin doesnt mean you can treat someone differently. We should all be respected the same way.

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  11. Racims to me is jugeing someone on how they look or dress or how they act beat her up. she was mad and she was scared .I can relate to them by me and my friend were touring the high school and we were on the football felid and we seen a bunch of mexcain and she yelled out look at them bean burrito,and i felt bad cause they were mad
