Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

As we discussed in our Hip-Hop Poetry unit, alliteration can be found in poetry.  Several students were able to identify that alliteration is the repetition (repeating) of the same or similar consonant sounds in words that are close together.

For example: Snakes slither slowly on the sidewalk.


Please complete the three following sentence starters using alliteration AND write three of your own tongue twisters using alliteration.  Use NEW POST on your blog.

1. Terrific Tony ___________________________________.
2. English earmuffs ________________________________.
3. Black bears and brown bugs _______________________.
4. ______________________________________________. (Your tongue twister)
5. ______________________________________________. (Your tongue twister)
6. ______________________________________________. (Your tongue twister)

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