Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011

The best way to remember what you learn is to bridge it with your personal experience.


Identify two songs that use alliteration. Please post a few lines of the song on YOUR blog as a new post. Be sure to identify the artist. You can use the internet to look up lyrics only. Note: Make any adjustments necessary to ensure the lyrics are the CLEAN VERSION.

Happy posting!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

As we discussed in our Hip-Hop Poetry unit, alliteration can be found in poetry.  Several students were able to identify that alliteration is the repetition (repeating) of the same or similar consonant sounds in words that are close together.

For example: Snakes slither slowly on the sidewalk.


Please complete the three following sentence starters using alliteration AND write three of your own tongue twisters using alliteration.  Use NEW POST on your blog.

1. Terrific Tony ___________________________________.
2. English earmuffs ________________________________.
3. Black bears and brown bugs _______________________.
4. ______________________________________________. (Your tongue twister)
5. ______________________________________________. (Your tongue twister)
6. ______________________________________________. (Your tongue twister)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Several types of poetry exist. It has been around for centuries.  As a way to explore your background knowledge, please complete the following task.

Please answer the following questions by posting a NEW POST on your blog. Make sure it is labeled based on the assignment. As with all writing assignments, please answer each question using a complete sentences. (Hint: It might be easier if you restate the question.)

1.What is poetry?

2. Who is likely to agree and disagree with you?

3. Does poetry have to rhyme?

4. Does poetry have to make sense? Can it be random words on a page? Explain.

5. What type of feelings does or can poetry evoke (cause)?

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


1. Choose one of our history books. Your options are African American Experience, Latino Experience, World History or Modern History.

2. Select a chapter in your book selection that is most interesting. (hint: Look at the Table of Contents).

3. Read the chapter.

4. Write a summary of the chapter on paper.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh (August 25, 2011)


Please recreate STARRY NIGHT by Using PAINT in ACCESSORIES on your PC.
DO NOT PASTE OR UPLOAD IT.  As always, quality work is best. Remember to showcase on your BLOG when finished.

You will find the painting by selecting the hyperlink below.

A few of your schoolmates have already uploaded their drawing. Check them out under McPhatter 4 link list in the right margin of this blog.

Have fun!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh (August 24th)

There are several renowned artists. One of them is Vincent Van Gogh.

Task #1: Use the link OR another link of your choice. Answer the following questions using COMPLETE SENTENCES by POSTING A NEW POST on YOUR BLOG.

1. Who was Vincent Van Gogh? Be specific.
2. Why was he so famous?
3. What was happening in the United States during the time period?
4. What was happening in your community during that time period? Did your community exist?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Transfer Posting ( Jan. 25th)

It's time for you to post on your blog now that you have practiced posting to mine. Task: Copy your post from my blog on "Racism 1/24/11" and post on your blog as a new post. Check spelling and punctuation to earn full points. Happy Posting!

Racism (Jan. 25th)

It's time to post on your classmates blog. Read THREE of your classmates posts on Racism. Post a reply for EACH ONE. Your response should show some critical thinking. Use your empathy, background knowledge and experience to help develop your response.

Submit the "TASK COMPLETION FORM" located on my blog when finished posting. Remember to identify where you posted comments by listing your classmates on your form. Happy Posting!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Racism (01/24/11)

In the video clips, "What is Racism," and "A Salute to Hispanic Excellence" students shared how moments of racism affected their lives. Task: Select one of the students. Restate their experience in your own words. Answer the following questions: 1) What type of emotions did their experience evoke? Why or Why not? 2) Describe an experience in which you could relate to theirs. Complete the task completion form.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Who is responsible?

In the film, "Bullied," describe how Jamie's story affected you. Who is responsible? Why? Please post your response on your blog. Remember to fill out and submit the Task Completion Form.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Persuasive Walls (October 7th & 8th)

First, please update your wall with six facts. Hint: Post opposing facts to make your argument stronger. Second, post a sticky on three of your classmates persuasive wall. Make sure it is appropriate according to Ms. Tyler's expectations. Last, complete the task completion form.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Give two examples of being a good cyber-citizen (Sept 1st)

Please post a response on your blog first. Afterwards, go to two students in your class and respond to their post. Once BOTH TASKS are complete, please complete the task completed form on my blog. Happy posting!